Photography is not my job, but I am, nevertheless, a dedicated photographer and educator.
I’ve been into photography since I was 10 or so. I will never be thankful enough to my aunt, who supported my interest in photography by means of her photo-enthusiast friends first, and by presenting me with my first SLR at the age of 12 (not that I didn’t ask for that…).
After some years, when I was a university student I almost abandoned photography.

In 2006, I decided to buy my first digital SLR and I re-started enjoining photography, both digital and analog. Over the years, I understood that in photography there is more than just technology and now I am approaching it in a completely different way than in the past.
I mainly like shooting things that have human beings as subjects, mostly portraits and live music.
I like printed photos and I am skilled in fine-art printing, both digital (inkjet) and analog (silver gelatin).